We create beautiful outdoor spaces. Our team recognises that each garden design project is unique and we aim to respond to each thoughtfully to ensure all design aspects are carefully considered and balanced with the needs of our clients.
Planting Design
With your garden spaces defined the selection of plants can begin. We can provide detailed planting specifications for each project, complete with plant layouts, schedules and plant images. Where required we can also source and supply all plants for your project.
Concept Design
A visual interpretation of your garden design brief. This process sets out the ‘look and feel’ of your garden with detailed plans and sketches to communicate the overall design aesthetic. The concept plan will illustrate key design elements including outdoor living areas, swimming pools, lawns, gardens etc. and how these relate to your home and property. Where required sketch images can be developed to illustrate various design elements to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of your new garden.
Design Consultation
Our process starts on site with a meeting to discuss the desired outcome for your new garden. How you use your garden, the opportunities it provides and the design elements to be considered will be recorded and returned to you in a written brief. Accompanying the brief will be a fee proposal outlining the costs associated with the design of your new garden.
Our Vision
Gardens have truly become extensions of our homes. A successful garden will compliment the way we interact with the environment, leaving us with memorable experiences of the places we live.
We recognise that each project is unique, whether it be an inner city courtyard or expansive rural garden, each has its own inherent qualities. Our design process aims to capitalise on the opportunities your property provides to maximise the potential of each, creating gardens which inspire, elements of surprise and results which delight our clients.
We also believe at the core of the garden design process is you, the client. Interpreting your brief, your vision and ideas and applying these to the opportunities your property provides is where we excel.